BibleGateway Verse of the Day (KJV)

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” -Romans 8:28 Listen to chapter

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Friday, January 20, 2012

God-Haters Ascribe to Themselves the Authority to "Redefine" Marriage in Washington State

With sickening perversity and usurpation of Jehovah's authority, God-haters who claim to "represent" Washingtonians in Olympia now believe--in suppressing the truth in unrighteousness and in their rebellion and hatred towards their Maker--that they may "redefine" marriage as being between two people of the SAME sex. This legislation, if passed, will only hasten the destruction of this nation and the disintegration of our society. There is no fear of God before their eyes.

I hope every Christian will make the effort to stand for God's word in the sight of our "representatives" by contacting them and telling it to them. God's eye is on His people, and judgment begins first in the household of God.

If Christians do not OUTWARDLY and IN PUBLIC STAND for the truth of God's word, we WILL be smitten with Christ's rod of iron and dashed to pieces like a potter's vessel along with the rest of this officially God-hating nation.

Therefore, I encourage Christians to call/write to the "representatives" and "civil servants" of Washington State, and/or gather on Monday, January 23rd at the capital (Olympia) for a demonstration against this proposed legislation. TEACH the civil magistrates in our nation the word of God. The craven pastors of this land are clearly not going to do it. Let every Christian do it. "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." (Eph. 6:10)

American Family Association Action Alert [Contrary to what AFA urges, though, let's not be "neutral;" let's follow the Lord Jesus Christ and defend His crown rights in every sphere of life.]:
"Last week [the first week of January] in Olympia, Governor Christine Gregoire held an disturbing press conference announcing her aggressive plan to force legislation which would redefine marriage in Washington. If you did not watch it, you should by clicking here. While members of the homosexual lobby announced their intentions at a press conference in November, this marks the beginning of the legislative debate over the issue.

Acknowledging that they were a few votes short of passage in the Senate, both the Governor and legislative leadership expressed confidence that they could secure the votes needed for final passage.

Supporters of real marriage must counter the pressure that legislators will inevitably receive from the homosexual lobby and Gov. Gregoire. They need to hear from 10 times as many constituents respectfully encouraging them not to redefine marriage."
Christian Homeschool Network of Washington's Call to Action (

Help preserve traditional marriage in Washington State.

Legislative leaders have stated that their number one priority this session is to pass legislation permitting homosexual marriage in Washington State. Home educators: we challenge you to make it your priority this session to defend marriage as between one man and one woman. Help us protect this God-defined ordinance and pass on this God-honoring heritage to our children and our children’s children.

The focus of CHN is on home education and parental rights and we cannot ignore the consequences that redefining marriage will have. The Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), in stating their opposition to this bill, said:

Why is HSLDA opposed to this bill? Our freedom to educate our children is based upon "Western civilization concepts of the family as a unit with broad parental authority over minor children." Same-sex marriage or domestic partnerships attack the traditions of the family in Western civilization upon which the foundation of parental choice in education and basic parental rights are based upon. Thus, parental rights are based on "western civilization concepts of the family." When those concepts are no longer the legal definition of the family in this nation, then the foundation upon which parental rights are based is completely removed. (HSLDA 2009 e-alert)

We challenge each of you to do your part to become active in this grassroots campaign to defeat this legislation. You don’t have to do it all, just do what you can.

1. Call the Legislative Hotline 1-800-562-6000
1000 pro-marriage citizens calling their legislators and urging them to not redefine marriage could stop this legislation. Call today and get everyone you know to call, too!

2. Write/e-mail/call your legislators ask them to support traditional marriage.

For contact information go to

For talking points go to Marriage Legislation Resources

3. Become involved in local grassroots efforts.

Local district captains have been identified in the following districts. They will help coordinate
local grassroots efforts to encourage their senators to preserve marriage as between one man and one woman. If you live in one of these districts and want to help, contact
and we will forward your information to the appropriate person.

4. Come to Olympia and meet with your legislators. Call ahead and make an appointment.
Organize a group from your church, co-op, etc. Contact DiAnna Brannan, grassroots lobbyist, CHN and she can assist you include your phone number for quicker response.

Attend Home Educator’s Day at the Capitol event February 8, 2012

5. Attend the hearing in the Senate: Monday, January 23rd 10:00 -1:00
Government Operations Committee, Cherberg Building, hearing room 2. There is no bill number yet, and the date and time are subject to change.

6. Get others involved; tweet, facebook, e-loops, etc.

7. For more ideas go to: Marriage Legislation Resources

Write editorials, encourage your pastor to get involved, get informed on the issues, copy
handouts and inform others, etc.

8. Coming soon: Stand for Marriage website. Like them on Facebook!
A coalition committed to defending marriage as one man and one woman.

9. Pray without ceasing"

Family Policy Institute of Washington:

Monday, January 2, 2012

"Teaching the Whole Counsel of God" by Bojidar Marinov at American Vision

Wonderful, godly article to start off the new year!!

"Throughout the centuries, the church has always faced the problem of the quality of its members – and when I say quality, I mean the sanctification, the spiritual maturity, and the practical wisdom of its members. The constant battle against sin (sanctification) and for the expanding the Kingdom of God (wisdom) has always placed high demands and expectations; and quite often the church has found itself inadequate to the task. Its members sometimes refused to deal with sin, their own and that of the people around them. At other times the church remained passive and escapist, ignoring the clear command of the Great Commission. And at times the church was both plagued by sin and completely oblivious to its task in the world. In the last one century, the same problem persists, and is becoming even more acute and visible."