Life Decisions International (LDI) opposes Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s (PPFA) agenda.
Planned Parenthood was founded in 1916 by elitist eugenicist Margaret Higgins Sanger. This “not for profit” has a one billion dollar annual operating budget--nearly one-third from taxpayers--with an "excess revenue" of $114 million in 2006-2007. Yet, Planned Parenthood incessantly claims to need more money.
PPFA also has a radical birth control agenda, promoting fornication, homosexuality, population control, and carcinogenic chemical use (including The Pill and “Emergency Contraception”). They work to undermine parental rights and even cover up statutory rape.
Planned Parenthood commits more abortions than any other single entity in the United States. They “surgically” killed 289,750 pre-born human beings in 2006 alone, generating $125 million. Only 2,410 customers were referred to adoption agencies that year.
In 2006, PPFA sold 1,436,846 “emergency birth control” kits, each of which delivers a huge amount of carcinogenic chemicals in an attempt to keep a conceived baby from implanting in the womb, to abort the few days old baby (if it exists). Many Planned Parenthood “clinics” accept orders for the deadly concoction by phone and/or online with no physical examination.
Life Decisions International wants to get the word out about Planned Parenthood. They also research and contact many corporations that have contributed to Planned Parenthood to inform them of Planned Parenthood’s agenda. If the corporation affirms their support of the PP agenda, then Life Decisions International adds them to their boycott list.
I encourage you to visit the LDI web site, learn more, contribute, purchase the Boycott List, and participate in their boycott/letter writing/prayer campaign. I do not benefit personally from LDI in any way. I simply think it is a good organization that Christians should support, if they can.
Almost 50 million babies have been murdered before birth in this country since 1973. Christians must continue to speak out against this sinful atrocity and reach the lost in the United States (and all over the world) with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Do you have a family story about being active in the pro-life movement you'd be willing to share in the comments? Is there a particular pro-life organization you particularly support and stand with?
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