This was an "Anonymous" comment I made on this wonderful post on Lady Lydia's blog:
Here are the lyrics to a hymn that probably "bit the dust" in a lot of churches that went "contemporary" and "neo-whatever," How Shall the Young Direct Their Way.
How people must have praised God with such thanksgiving in their hearts when they sang this hymn for Him teaching them the way they should go, and "safely leading" them.
Nowadays, people seem to believe for some reason that it's all up to them, God provides no answers, they're on their own to carve out a slice of life for themselves. How sad!How shall the young direct their way?
What light shall be their perfect guide?
Thy Word, O Lord, will safely lead,
If in its wisdom they confide.
Sincerely I have sought thee, Lord,
O let me not from thee depart;
To know thy will and keep from sin
Thy Word I cherish in my heart.
O blessed Lord, teach me thy law,
Thy righteous judgments I declare;
Thy testimonies make me glad,
For they are wealth beyond compare.
Upon thy precepts and thy ways
My heart will meditate with awe;
Thy Word shall be my chief delight,
And I will not forget thy law.

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