BibleGateway Verse of the Day (KJV)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Domestic Felicity: Student debt gone to extreme

Mrs. Anna T. over at Domestic Felicity has a good article on questioning student debt gone to extreme.

Like many young women raised to reject God's ways and embrace feminism instead (and I didn't need to be raised that way, I would have followed the crooked path of my sinful heart on my own!), I incurred huge student debt to pursue a career I never wanted in my heart of hearts.

Thanks to God, after many years in the workforce, I have paid off that debt and am now debt-free (renting an apartment). Nevertheless, I wasted years earning money to pay off debt to which I should never have enslaved myself. We have a merciful God in Christ Jesus!

And may other dear young ladies be warned by my bad example!

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