BibleGateway Verse of the Day (KJV)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Reformed Baptist Fellowship: Prayer for the Country

Prayer for the Country, posted on Reformed Baptist Fellowship blog.

Almighty Creator God, you made the world and everything in it. You are the Lord of heaven and earth. You have given all people life and breath and everything else. You made every nation of men that they should inhabit the whole earth. You determined the exact place where each nation should live, and this you did that we might seek you, and perhaps reach out to you and find you, though you are not far from each one of us, for in you we live and move and have our being. We are all your offspring. So you have appointed us to live in this nation that we love and whose sins make us weep.

You have established every governing authority and commanded us to submit to them all. We know that if we rebel against the authority then we are rebelling against what you have instituted, and all those who do so will bring judgment on themselves, for rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. You have bid us to pray for all in authority, for presidents, and governors, and congressmen, and judges whether in the Supreme Court or those who make judgments in our smallest communities. You have bid us pray for the police, and for lawyers, for school teachers, for businessmen, for doctors, indeed for all those to whom we are in debt for any and every part of our daily living. You have bid us to pray for them and we regret our failure to have interceded for those who refuse to pray for themselves as we should. Have mercy on us.

Forgive us if we have thought only ill of our government and consigned Washington to the darkest light. Forgive us that we have grumbled more than prayed about the powers you ordained and have placed in positions of rule. Deliver us from thinking and speaking as though they were only our enemies, but deliver us too from dreaming that such powers as regenerating grace, and the cleansing of redemption, and the gift of divine wisdom could come to our land from any human power. These are your divine prerogatives to bestow, by the church, through your holy word, and in the daily living of those in whom Jesus Christ dwells. The honour of bestowing these graces is yours alone, and in that honour no man shall share. So while we pray for our rulers we do not do so as those who see in them the messengers of salvation. Rather we pray for them as those who are to rule justly, as people who must render an account to you for what they must do, always considering that to whom much has been given much will be required. So have mercy on our rulers; how great their tasks; what enormous problems they face; there are those who would destroy them and us. God protect and keep them. Bring evil men to justice. Arise O Lord and scatter your enemies. Remind our rulers day by day from whom their help alone can come. Teach them always to walk in a modest and humble manner.

We pray earnestly for our rulers because righteousness alone can exalt any person, any family, any congregation and any nation. How we long that those in power should be characterized by righteous thinking and living. So merciful God guide the people of our land in the days to come when they will in their millions choose those who shall enter into a high office and shape the future of the nation we love. God hear our prayer for each one. May they think prayerfully and vote wisely.

God save the President. God save his wife and children. God save the Cabinet and all who work in the White House. God save all who are appointed to office. Do not give us the leaders we deserve; pity us in your mercy and give us those rulers who will lead our nation into the ways of truth, purity, self control, love and righteousness. Save our nation from those who would destroy it. Prosper the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ in every part of the country and make your people the salt of the earth and the light of this land. Please hear our prayers. Please in your wrath toward us for our wickedness remember mercy. Please revive your work in these days and make the saving beauty of Jesus Christ be seen and desired by all men, because it is in his name we pray. Amen.

--Geoffrey Thomas serves as the pastor of Alfred Place Baptist Church of Aberyswyth, Wales

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